Lascaux Cave

Lascaux is one of the most prominent caves due to its Paleolithic paintings. This place is situated in the Dordogne area, in southwestern France. The paintings in the cave are famous because of their high quality, sophistication, size, and antiquity. To describe this cave more accurately, in this paper, I will explain what I saw in the video taken inside of it.
I have never seen anything like it. The cave is very deep, and it has large, high-quality paintings. Some of the paintings in the cave include a bird, cattle, a bear, a rhinoceros, felines, and a human being. I noticed how large the images were; for instance, the four black bulls were huge, and they were made in such a way to portray impressive skills. I have never seen such huge images drawn on the walls of a cave. Also, the bulls were drawn in such a manner that they seemed to be in motion.

It is difficult to tell how the primitive cave people could paint these images deep in the dark caves, but it is clear that they must have had a source of lighting. Before they invented the oil lamp, they might have used fire for this purpose. After the invention of the oil lamp, they mainly relied on it as their primary source of light while they were in these caves.
One of the reasons that might have made the primitive people paint these animals was to show their skills. Another reason why they painted them was that they might have enjoyed doing it, and they found paintings beautiful. Out of all the images in the cave, I liked the painting of the bulls the most because it was of a high quality and looked like it was moving.

The Lascaux cave is one of the most famous places of its kind due to several high-quality paintings it has on its walls. There are some staggering pictures of cattle, a bear, felines, rhinoceros, and a human being. These paintings are quite large; they demonstrate that the artists were highly skilled and enjoyed what they were doing.

How do you think primitive cave people accomplished these paintings so deep in the cave and in almost total darkness? Why do you think they painted these animals? Do not know answers for such interesting questions or perhaps need to create similar type of work with deep investigation of some issues? Then you can contact writers from by asking them to prepare for you exclusive papers 
Lascaux Cave

Lascaux Cave


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