Simranjit Singh's profile


Here is the final lab for the CS205 LAB, i decided to make this lab on the Mini vlog of Prince Albert National Park where we did camping last year.It was very awesome experience and had a great fun even to edit this video as the combined project for the
Lab 9 &10.

This project also involved with couple of steps, which i followed to make this lab.

Step 1:- I decided to make this project in the Adobe Premier Pro.First of all, i opened the Premier Pro and made lab 9 &10 as a project.
Step 2:-This step involved with the importing of the stuff that we need to make this video.I already made a folder lab 10 where i stored all the stuff which is required to make the mini-vlog.
STEP 3:- In this step, i set the sequence of the quality of the video which i need for this video.Then i selected File->New->Sequence.Afterwards i selected the AVCHD 1080P 60 to make this video under 60 frames per second.
Step 4:-This step include where i start putting my stuff in sequence wise in the editing column of the premier pro.After putting all the videos in row , i put the free music which is available free in Adobe to make this video even more attaractive.
Step 5:-In this step,i edit the whole video, crop the video where i need to and muted all the videos and finally done with the video of our Memories of Last Year Camping.

Here, is the video which i made as the final product.
First of all , i would like to thank Prof Nova who gave us opportunity to make something out of our comfort zone.For editing this video, i took little bit help from the recorded lecture of the Lab9 of Prof Nova.

Video Link:-

Music in this Video:-
1.Song For the Road-Triple Scoop Music[Adobe Free Music]
2.Will I Go-Triple Scoop Music[Adobe Free Music]


Project Made For

