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Granted Constructions

Timeless Beauty in Construction 
Melbourne, Australia

For us, this project speaks so highly of our values as a branding studio. We walked with Granted Constructions through a creative and strategic process of establishing a foundational brand strategy, developing an identity that speaks of who they are, and expressing that across a vast spectrum of applications.

We have the privilege of working with excellent business people, visionaries, and experts—each person is unique, with a unique story. Our job is to give voice to these stories.

For Granted Constructions, this is a story of bringing beauty, timelessness, sustainability and expertise to the construction industry. Each home is approached with excellent craftsmanship, the value of beauty, and a unique emphasis on sustainability. At the heart of their brand is a notion of heritage and future, woven together to create a piece of timelessness for their clients.
The brand revitalisation introduces a logotype and logo stamp to the Granted palette. We selected this beautiful typeface by @colophonfoundry to communicate with a tone of strength and elegance. A series of illustrations, icons, muted colours and warm photography works to accentuate this same personality.

Our much loved animated illustrations for Granted Constructions. Why animated?.. Because it speaks to the personality of WHO Granted are - a considered, personable brand that brings life to their clients vision of owning their dream home. And, because there’s a motif that’s threaded throughout the identity; of light, passive, sustainable and comfortable, which is communicated in this case without words.

Stunning craftsmanship by Granted Constructions. We took to capturing these elegant architectural homes as a major element
of the Granted identity. A lot of effort is poured into these homes internally, ensuring a high standard of quality, sustainability and structural integrity, but externally is just as much a labour of love for Granted as each element is measured, cut to size and pieced together. For the identity to be a true representation of this level of detail, we needed to a set of photographs to show it off.

Brand Strategy, Identity and Website
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Granted Constructions


Granted Constructions
