Sarah Farrell 님의 프로필

MICA Competitive Scholarship Portfolio 2014

Sophomore Illustration 1 homework- Editorial illustration for the article "Rich People Just Don't Care"
Midterm for Narrative Color- Editorial illustration for an article about video games as an art form.
Final for Painting Techniques for Illustrators- Watercolor. A painting of my twin sister chasing me with a machete.
painting techniques for illustrators.
Narrative Color final.
Sophomore Illustration 1- Composition based off of Rothko's No. 8, 1952.
personal work-embroiery. 1.5" radius.
Narratice Color sky painting homework. two of four..
Narrative color sky paintings- secondd pair.
MICA Competitive Scholarship Portfolio 2014

MICA Competitive Scholarship Portfolio 2014

My 2014 competitive scholarship portfolio.
