Juan Pablo Guerra 的个人资料

De la Tierra al Cielo

"De la Tierra al Cielo"

“De la Tierra al Cielo” which translates to ¨From the Ground to the Sky¨ is a personal unbuilt project that explores a horizontal as well as a vertical connection between the ground and the sky. It is dramatic in its scale and expression, but at the same time it is quiet and still. Where currently most architectural projects focus on solving a fixed program, this one makes use of the useless as a criticism of typical functional architecture and seeks to solve the spaces that no client asks for: The spaces without function.
The only function these spaces have is to do nothing. This place is designed just to exist, just to be immersed in, to touch and to relate to it, to remember, and to introspect. Nothingness is where we as humans discover the most.
De la Tierra al Cielo


De la Tierra al Cielo
