"A talking home assistant is one thing, but a growling toilet bowl, a water-addicted indoor plant or a persuasive blender? In the project De Dingen De Baas, we turned everyday objects into household members with their own agendas and personal opinions they gladly share with you. You find yourself surrounded by self-aware items and appliances in the near future. Who said only humans are capable of thoughts and emotions? The things you encounter will freely engage in conversation, hungry for approval and information. But how far are you going to let this smart technology into your life? Would you share your data? Do you give them control?"
With this interactive installation, I have investigated how programmed personalities can influence us in an intelligent environment and created a smart blender with a programmed personality. De Dingen De Baas is a project by the minor in Digital Experience Design and was showcased at the Dutch Design Week 2018 as part of the Fontys Innovation Lab.
De Dingen De Baas

De Dingen De Baas
