Arancia meccanica (a Clockwork orange)
The new book cover of Arancia Meccanica (A clockwork orange)
by Anthony Burgess, published by Einaudi Editore.
I wanted an ultra-violent illustration with the iconic eye of Alex
and his eyelashes that become black tears.⁣
Motion design by Salvatore Illeggittimo
When the publisher asked me to think about a cover for this famous story I immediately thought about the eye of Alex but in the same time I wanted to design something new.
So I had the idea of mixing it with the knife, designing a double reading illustration.
I added the black drops as eyelashes.
This is the final result.
Photographs by Antonio Alaimo
I loved to work on such a cool project. I hope that you like it!
A clockwork orange


A clockwork orange

Book cover design of Arancia Meccanica (A clockwork orange) by Anthony Burgess published by Einaudi Editore . I wanted an ultra-violent illustrat Leggi di più
