Domino's pizza
During the pandemic I was lucky to collaborate with one of my favorite clients, Domino’s Pizza! In this multi-location project, I shot with spectacular teams in New York, Detroit, and LA to capture Domino’s best. 
Photographer: Evi Abeler
Food Stylists: Nicole Twohy, Laura Kinsey Dolph, Jason Baker
Assistants: Bryan Lynn
Retouching: Bob Moyers
Producers: Jess Osier / Get It Productions
Agencies: CPB, WIP
About Evi Abeler
Evi Abeler is a New York City-based photographer and table-top director focusing on food, still life, and lifestyle. Hailing from a tiny village in northern Germany, Evi brings every aspect of her rural farm-to-table upbringing to her work, from a collaborative, hands-on, no-drama approach to a passion for mindful living. Her artful and enticing still and motion imagery offers a ray of sunshine to the world—something we all need a little more of these days! She collaborates with crazed ad agencies, award-winning publishers, and brands who need a creative and down-to-earth photographer. Evi is profoundly grateful whenever she gets to work with mission-driven brands affecting positive change in this world.

For inquiries please contact Mary Dail or Kimberley Sirisalee at Big Leo Productions.
Domino's Pizza


Domino's Pizza


Creative Fields