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Exploratory prototyping

Exploratory prototyping
This assignment is about performing a type of quantitative research which is commonly known as A/B prototyping. The goal of this process is to understand which version of the design is more preferred by users by testing those two versions with different test groups.
Chosen topic and formed hypothesis
Topic - Picture Superiority Effect
Hypothesis - "Pictures and images are more likely to be remembered than words."
This time I decided to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create the prototype. Variable that is changing is content on the screen being displayed in the form of text or images in the second version.
Testing protocol
1. User will be instructed that their task is to remember content of the screen in 30 seconds and later that later they will have another 30 seconds to write it down.
2. Timer will be set to 30 seconds.
3. User will have this time to remember what's on the screen.
4. Timer will be set to 30 seconds again.
5. User will have this time to write down what they remembered.
Testing sessions
Results from the group A go as follow: 7, 6, 6, 9, 4.
Results from the group B go as follow: 7, 8, 9, 8, 8.
The results of the research showed that the total score of memorized words in group A is 32 and the average score is 6,4. In Group B total score is 40 and the average score is 8. This shows that pictures were remembered remarkably better than words and confirms the stated hypothesis.
Exploratory prototyping


Exploratory prototyping


Creative Fields