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Editorial Illustration: "Nine Joys of Being Imperfect"

Editorial Illustration: "Nine Joys of Being Imperfect"

Background: The article I chose to illustrate was "Nine Joys of Being Imperfect" by Meg Selig published in Psychology Today. Perfectionism is a common topic of conversation in my life between academics, art, and athletics, so I knew I would have inspiration for the illustrations. I also took inspiration from Kintsugi, a Japanese style of art, which involves putting broken pottery pieces together with gold. It's centered around the idea of embracing flaws and letting them show, but making them beautiful at the same time. 

Process: I completed several rounds of thumbnails and drafts before creating the final version. I had two rounds of small thumbnails to figure out composition and value. I then completed a round of mockups for the cover illustration to plan in more detail for the title, excerpt, and center crease. The final illustrations were done in Procreate. 

Editorial Illustration: "Nine Joys of Being Imperfect"

Editorial Illustration: "Nine Joys of Being Imperfect"
