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MeiMei | Singapore Inspired NFT Character

MeiMei is a generative NFT character inspired by Singapore culture. The character is based on a little lion cub, dressed as a Singapore Merlion. This base character is then dressed with additional clothes and items inspired by Singapore and pop culture.

There are several layers - the Merlion inspired cap, body, tail, and skin form the base with a few variations. MeiMei then has clothes, facial expressions, headwear, and items with more unique variations.

This project is meant to be for learning about how generative NFT characters work. 128 of MeiMei were selected from a batch of pre-generated versions and minted using niftymints.art on the polygon blockchain. It is listed on opensea.

I don't have much knowledge of coding and generative art, so instead, I used After Effects to randomly generate MeiMei, with the help of expressions. Metadata files had to be manually written.

MeiMei | Singapore Inspired NFT Character


MeiMei | Singapore Inspired NFT Character
