Profiel van Oliver Nichols

Ergonomic Project |Kitchen Tongs

The Goal
Currently most tongs you’ll find on the market all look roughly the same. The goal here was to create a design that looked noticeably unique with a focus on comfort and ergonomics. A design that would rethink how the user interacts with the product and overall feels better to use.
In creating a more ergonomic design the equine design is executed giving it an iconic look. The functional ergonomic details of the handle, joint point, and stand help inform its use.
Test Models and Testing
Before starting to design this product I created these testing tools to understand how it would feel to hold and use. I built 3 sets of handles, grip, and heads that could be swapped in and out. For the handles, I also played with shape and resistance as well as length. 
To determine what felt the best I had my classmates experiment with each combination and report what felt the best. This feedback was what I used to inform my concepts and ultimately my final design.
Most Chosen Part Combination 
Original Concepts
CAD Model
Real-World 3D Printed Model
Ergonomic Project |Kitchen Tongs


Ergonomic Project |Kitchen Tongs


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