Director/Actor/Script Writer - Fergus Chan 
Cinematographer/Editor - Valent Cheung
Music - "Gymnopéde No. 1" by Erik Satie
The Challenge -  A visual presentation of the progress of a man rising from the roots to the upper class, the whole-life procrastination of a man, and more.
Background - There is always some point in life where you just want to sit down and relax, take a sip off a nice cup of tea while listening to your favorite music, take a little walk down the streets nearby without any purpose, or just go online and read random stuffs from the internet. People label these kinds of 'non-productive' activity as Procrastination. However, is procrastination really bad? What action or activities are classified as procrastination? Or, what does procrastination even mean in the first place? 'Charta' is a micro cinema that studies and investigates these questions.
Theme - Procrastination. White paper. Social status. The insignificance of the significance. The significance of the insignificance.
Execution - Combining art, stage performance and traditional cinematography into one short film, Charta provides simutaneously multiple visual experiences in roughly eight minutes. Viewers are advised to play it again and observe another on-screen object.
Note: Featured in Diocesan Boys' School IB Visual Arts Exhibition 2013 "Your ___ Is An Artist."


A surreal presentation of a procrastinating young man. Featured in Diocesan Boys' School IB Visual Arts Exhibition 2013 "Your ___ Is An Artist."
