Sterilizer and deodorizer Part10

Sterilizer and deodorizer  Part10
美的Midea X Bifoxs | 杀菌除味产品系列

视觉呈现 | Visual presentation
李树彬|秦志康|李 劲|郭璟霖

结构 | Structure
于定管|刘 毅|肖育森|邓志勇

产品策划  Product planning|外观设计 Appearance design|结构设计  The structure design|电子设计 Electronic design|模具制造生产 Mold manufacturing and production

@Bifoxs 白狐设计 - 做专业整案研发产品设计
@Bifoxs 白狐设计 - 以工业设计为核心的全产业链一站式设计创新服务
This is a set of sterilizing and deodorizing product series carefully created by White Fox Design and United States, jointly named POKEMON, to achieve one-stop innovative design of the whole industrial chain from product function definition to product production.

The color matching and appearance are consistent with the animation, restoring the image of the ball in the Pokemon animation, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the IP and awakens our childhood feelings.


The product is equipped with ozone module, which can continuously output ozone and eliminate 99.99% bacteria in daily life. Internal small fan can make ozone spread evenly in a wide range, all-round, fast and efficient sterilization. It also has strong odor removal function. Put it in a smelly fridge and it takes about 30 minutes to remove the smell quickly.

Through the decomposition of ozone, monatomic oxygen (O) and hydroxyl (OH) with strong oxidation capacity are produced, which quickly integrate into the cell wall, destroy the internal structure of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, and have a strong killing effect on various pathogenic microorganisms. Peculiar smell is often caused by bacteria, the product in the prevention of bacterial reproduction at the same time, avoid repeated peculiar smell.

Small and exquisite, the size of an apple, unlimited use, drawer can also be placed. Omni-directional coverage of life, eliminate 99.99% of the bacteria in daily life. Intelligent induction mode, automatic induction, interval operation, lower power consumption, only 2.5h for a full, can be long-term standby for 10 days.

Compared with the deodorizer box and air purifier that need to be changed frequently in the market, this deodorizer adopts ozone disinfection and purification, which can make use of the ozone generated by oxygen in the air without consumables. The cost of subsequent use is 0, which not only saves expenses, but also is more healthy and environmentally friendly.

At present the product has mass production, let us enjoy the physical effect together ~ ~ ~


目前产品已量产,让我们一起欣赏一下实物效果吧 ~ ~ ~
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Sterilizer and deodorizer Part10

Sterilizer and deodorizer Part10


Creative Fields