
This is what I learned.
You won’t learn a lot of things from a single project, but it is curious what happened to me during this process and I wanted to tell you about it.
I started with the collages and the truth is that I didn’t really know what I was looking for, I just felt that I wanted to fill pages and pages with different things. Just get it out of myself. I started with the magazines that I had at home and after going through several of them, I made the rules that I explained in the video. I could not buy anything to make the collages; I had to only use what was at home or what I found lying around. That is why I used the airplanes magazines, junk mail and obviously the magazines that were always turning up in the bathroom.
The point is that after I completed all the collages I thought that I was going to light them on fire. But something strange happened. If I was supposedly going to burn all the collages, why should I care so much about the details? Why I was cutting out eyes and lips for 2 weeks and looking for specific things? Why am I worried about retail colors and shapes, if in the end everything was going to disappear? And then I said, these collages are like life. Why worry about anything if we all are going to die anyway? But instead of being pessimistic, I began to enjoy the process, without fear, without worrying if they were going to be beautiful or great, whether other people would like them or not. If they were works of art or trash. I just made the collages one after another, while giving the same love to all of them. I enjoyed the whole experience without worrying; at least I knew that it was all going to end up the same way, in a pile of ashes. I guess like in real life. And that reminded me that lately, it was me that was complicating everything.
Well, this is what happened to me with the 55 collages and I wanted to share it. In the end, nothing is important if you cannot share it with anyone else.


55 Burned


55 Burned

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