Renata Jakab's profile

36 Days of Type 2022

36 Days of Type - 2022
This is the first time I joined this challenge created by Treintayseis studio, but not the last :)

36 days - 20 letters and 16 numbers. Each day one artwork.
My collection represents geometric base shapes and 36 different additonal shapes and patterns on them. Firts I draw the letters and numbers in Illustrator, then I redraw them in Procreate to achieve a more hand-crafted, sketchy feel. Then I add the fill, shapes, textures in Procreate.

More about the challenge on @36daysoftype.
Here a bit more of the process:
Steps 1-2 in Illustrator and steps 3-4 made in Procreate.
💙 Thanks! 💙
36 Days of Type 2022


36 Days of Type 2022
