Doryan Sadi's profile

Planning, Drawings & Concepts

Planning, Drawings & Concepts 
As an artist, I like to start off by sketching an idea to map out my thought process and get down my initial ideas. Sketching allows me to list out questions when tackling a design task. 

1. What is the purpose of my design. 
2. What is the function of my design. 
3. How will my design be interacted with (if UI work). 
4. How will I visually communicate my idea for the intended function. 

Sketching is a good starting point as having a rough draft can be useful for finding out what works and what doesn't work, and since it isn't a wireframe or full visual design yet, mistakes at this stage will not be majorly impactful. Although wireframing is a planning step in-itself, having a sketch will allow the process to go smoothly, while allowing you to focus on adding more visual improvements.

I will also add sketches I've done too show my progress as an artist!
Flow Chart indicating the users journey when using the game. (SBM, D&B & PA: The Chaos Pyramids)
A sketch showing an initial concept for a H.U.D for Servbot Madness. Finalised sketch will be developed into digital pixel art. This art shows my This design took heavy inspiration from other Side-Scrolling beat-em-ups such as River City Girls & Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. 

                                                                                 ~ In-Game H.U.D ~
Level Indicator! - Represents the current level of the player, by earning exp, this level will increase, in turn learning new skills. This includes: experience points, new moves and boosts total amount of HP & MP. 

Skill Indicator! - This system shows the player which skill the character will use. Skills are used to complete puzzles, different characters have different and multiple skills that must be used in a given situation. The "L" & "R" buttons can be pressed to swap through. 

Character Portrait, Health Bar & SP Meter! - The characters icon will be displayed on the portrait, alongside thier name below it ( in this example it is "Kyosuke"). Next to it, is the Health and SP bars. The Health bar is represented using a "heart" icon while a "lightning bolt" denotes the SP bar. The meters themselves will be styled in the form of their original games health systems (Kyosuke's health and sp bar in this example is based on Rival School's health bar style). 

CAP.COINS! - An in-game currency system which players can earn money by defeating enemies, solving puzzles and making advancements in the main game. "CAP.COINS" can be used to purchase alternate character pallets, artworks and illustrations, also items, powerups and many more!

                                                                                  ~ Game Elements ~
Strength Up! - Icon indicating an increase in strength after receiving a buff or using strength boost items. 
Strength Down! - Icon indicating a decrease of strength after getting debuffed by enemies or traps. 
SP up! - Denotes an increase in SP. 
LEVEL up! - Indicates the player has levelled up. 
Curse! - SP skills cannot be used, "special state" cannot be accessed. 
Paralysis! - Unable to perform any skills. 
Freeze! - Water damage taken over time (damage increases if weak to water). Doesn't cause K.O!
Burn! - Fire damage taken over time (damage increases if weak to fire). Doesn't cause K.O! 
Poison! - Small amount of damage taken during infliction, get progressively worse if not cured. Can cause K.O!
GET! - Item pick up indicator. 
GO! - Advance Indicator!  

                                                                                          ~ Elements ~ 
Fire! - Can melt ice, burn vines and heat up objects. Can also inflict "Burn". 
Ice! - Can inflict "Freeze". If Ice is used on Water, it can be frozen, use this wisely to get through puzzles. 
Lightning! - Can inflict 'Paralysis'. Lightning can be used to charge up batteries/machines. 
Water! - An environmental element found in various levels, Ice can be used on it to get through puzzles. 
Wind! - An environmental element used to indicate strong forces which may push you off platforms or into traps.
Earth! - An environmental element indicating strong buildings or obstacles which require strong physical skills to get through. 

                                                                                         ~ Enemy Types ~
Bikerbot! - Servbot styled in biker attire. They will be designed wearing dark shades and a "bikerhat" designed after black vinyl hats. the biker bot operates the "Servbike", a big motor bike which can death heavy damage to players when thrusting at them. They can also use turrets and fire mini missiles. If the Servbike is destroyed, the Bikerbot has a chance of surviving, in which they will use gun attacks.  

Spacebot! - The Spacebot takes inspiration after the character designs from the game "Gravity Guy". The spacebot comes adorned with a space helmet and googles, also a COMS device allowing them to call for backup. The spacebot operate the "Servmotor" a small motorbike which is fast but slower than the "Servbike". Spacebots can control gravity, giving them the opportunity to capture players and fight in-air. 

Servsaucer! -  A U.F.O which allows regular Servbots the ability to operate in-air and in space. Servsaucers will constantly hover in air, snipping players from a distance. Players must utilise air skills and aerial combat in order to defeat them. Servsaucers add an extra layer of difficulty by causing players to have to manage space properly as well as avoiding being cornered. 
Initial sketch I did to solidify my ideas for the H.U.D elements for each character in Servbot Madness. I wanted to customise each characters H.U.D elements to represent their original games. The difference in HUD design also relates to each characters play style i.e Jill's ammo count.

SP - Special Power

Kyosuke's health and SP indicator is based on the health and special meter bars in the 'Rival Schools' game series. A simple health and 'SP bar' was used to convey his origins as a fighting game character. His mana relates to his use of lightning 'Ki' meaning each time he uses a lightning based attack, his SP will deplete and should it fully deplete he cannot perform any more lightning skills until he replenishes it by eating food. 

Leo's health and SP indicator is based on the health and item/skill indicator in 'Red Earth'. The health bar in 'Red Earth' was designed in the form of a sword, as per Leo's health bar is designed as such. Leo's SP indicator is designed in the form of three orbs. 'Red Earth's' gameplay has a feature where the player can collect coins and items from chests dropped by the enemy while attacking. Some items had the ability of allowing the player to perform special moves and would be stored within the orbs. As such, Leo's SP indicator has three orbs present allowing him three elemental spells he can cast, once all three are used, he must find elemental shards to cast again. 

Jill's health and SP indicator is based on the health system and ammo count feature found in 'Resident Evil' titles. Jill's health bar, like the 'Resident Evil' games represent the players health in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG), this is coupled with a 'status' above the health saying: Fine, Caution & Danger. If Jill's health is above 75% she's remain in 'Fine' if below 75% but above 50% she'll switch to 'caution', lastly if below 50% she'll switch to 'danger'. Jill is very unique, being the only character in Servbot Madness without powers, she makes up for it with her expertise in firearms, munitions, also edged and bladed weapons. Jill's SP Indicator is represented by an "Ammo Count", this dictates how much ammo Jill currently has. As Jill continuously uses firearms, her ammo count will start depleting. Different firearms use different amounts of ammo, the player must use discretion on which firearm to use for a given situation. Should the count deplete to zero, Jill will need to find ammo to use them again. 

Jin Saotome's health bar and SP indicator is based on the HUD for 'Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness' (C:FFM). The health bar is 'C:FFM' was designed in a futuristic, mechanical style where 'metal, steel' panels were drawn almost branching out of the health bar. I used the same design style for Jin, as he has a thin health bar with additional side elements protruding outwards. Jin's SP indictor is designed similar to 'C:FFM's' special meter which had a 'POWER' icon on top of a red bar meter. This bar denotes to amount of energy Jin has to perform pyrokinetic skills alongside using his Variant Armour 'BX-02 BLOODIA' . Using fire skills will only deplete a small amount of power, however, the meter must be over 50% to use Variant Armour skills as it will deplete the whole bar. Once depleted, Jin needs to find fuel tanks to replenish it.   
Servbots Sketch
Megaman Sketch 
Face Sketch Practice 
Skull Sketch 
To see my next step in designing "Wireframing" click the link below. 
Planning, Drawings & Concepts


Planning, Drawings & Concepts
