Profil appartenant à Sydney Johnson

The Epitome of Individuality

With this book, I began to question the identity behind a signature and what, if any, value of individuality that holds if it can be replicated. I created a device that allows the audience to decide, on each page, which signature is genuine and which is the forgery. One a guess is made, the true answer can be revealed with a blacklight. This outcome strays far from my normal work (in part due to the restriction of the brief to not use computers at all) but delves into what represents the identity of each signature and person featured in the pages.
"A signature is the epitome of one's individuality."
The Epitome of Individuality
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The Epitome of Individuality

A response to a brief that restricted the use of computers questioning the idea that "the signature is the epitome of individuality". This is don Lire la suite

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