2D Art - Term 7
In Term 7, the assignments were all about color theory and shading. We were taught how different color combinations can give off different moods, how to properly shade & texture objects and how to draw a realistic painting with realistic shading.
Assignment 1: Color Theory
For our first assignment, we had to reuse one of our drawings and experiments with different color combinations to see what effect it would have on the mood of the illustration. I first chose this drawing, because it was already Monochromatic; one of the 6 Color Harmonies.
The first one is the original, the blue tint shows calmness and peace very well. Then I tried out a very dark and bright red color, which really radiates evil. For an optional third version, I tried out a very poisionous green. 
I really wanted to try out another Color Harmony, but I couldn't really find any artworks in which changing the colors would work like that. You can see it with my illustration 'Sky' here.
The original has very natural colors, which almost makes it look like these magic creatures could exist in the real world. Then I tried changing it to the complete opposite colors on the color wheel, but that just looks really weird. The colors look so unnatural for the objects drawn in the illustration, if you were to ignore how ugly it looks, you could say this is a drawing of a completely different world somewhere else in the universe instead of earth.
Assignment 2a: Basic Shapes
Before starting the actual assignment, I followed along with the teacher's video and drew this sphere with frontlight. 
After that, we had to draw a box, cylinder and sphere in a Monochromatic color with front- and backlight.
I think they turned out pretty good, even though the box was definitely the hardest one to shade because of the shape. Looking back, I think the reflection of the floor color onto the objects are a bit off, maybe they're a bit too light.
Assignment 2b: Textures
For the second part of this assignment, we had to turn those same 3 shapes into textured objects. I chose the texture glass, because I thought that would look really cool and it would also definitely be a challenge for myself. But I'm so happy with the end result, they look pretty good.
I started off with the sphere, because I figured that would be the easiest one. I drew the box after that, of which I thought would be a real challenge but turned out to be pretty easy. I like how you can see the back of the box and the shadow through the front. Lastly, I drew the cylinder of which I thought would be quite easy after drawing a round shape and straight shape, but this one turned out to be the hardest one. 
Assignment 3: Realistic Painting
For the final assignment, we had to paint something realistic with all the tips & tricks we practised with in the previous assignments. Instead of drawing a human, I chose to draw some realistic flowers with dramatic lighting, because drawing a realistic human was still one step too big for me. So this is the reference picture I chose.
And then here are all the process pictures. I started off with a quick background paint, and then sketched all the objects so I get the composition right. 
I then layed down the first quick sketch of the biggest flowers. I just colorpicked 1 color and drew where the highlights and darker points of the flowers are with a brush with 20% opacity.
Then I layed down the first layer of every glass bottle, again, just to get a feeling for where the highlights and shadows are. I was planning on going over everything with a few more layers to add more and more details and colors.
I layed down another layer on the two biggest flowers, and then started drawing the smaller, rotten flowers.
Here you can see the process of drawing the flowers better. I start off with a mid-tone to lay out the basic shapes and then slowly add highlights and shadows. For the previous assignments, we were taught to draw from dark to light, but because the background was already very dark, I thought this method would make the process easier.
And after that, I drew all the other flowers.
I drew the orange middle parts of the biggest flowers.
Being happy with what I have so far, I started working a little bit on improving the floor and background.
And then it was time to work on the final layers of the glass bottles.
(the final drawing is not done yet)
Evaluation & Feedback
This project was very fun for me, I really enjoyed drawing all the assignments, especially the final piece. I have never tried drawing realistically with my drawing tablet before, because I just didn't quite know which brushes and settings to use. But because our teacher gave us a brush set and told us what settings to use, we got the perfect brushes for drawing realistically. I think these first attempts at drawing realistically turned out pretty good, I'm really happy with the glass texture drawings and the final drawing. Learning color theory was also very useful, I already immediately started using it for the background illustration I had to make this term. So I'm very happy with my learning process and end results of this term.
I have yet to receive a grade & feedback from my teacher.
2D Art - Term 7


2D Art - Term 7


Creative Fields