Startide ||  Album Cover 

Track list and insides by Ana Noves 
Commissioned by Keegan Tawa 

Keegan Tawa is a musician and invited me to illustrate his personal project. We would make each track tell its own story and a bigger story by putting them together. As you can see below, Keegan had a very clear idea of ​​what he would like, and he sent me a sketch he made himself ( and soiled with coffee haha ​​) so that I could have the visual along with each story. We talked and I submitted my ideas and feelings for each track list, and the result of my sketch was the one below.

  Art all developed with ink, watercolor, colored pencils and pen
Here we have the full vinyl cover and back cover project of the absolute Justin Estcourt; Track List and vinyl art by me. This is the kind of project that challenged me and filled me with pride.


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