Egis Website

The French engineering group Egis delivers infrastructure projects globally, from the Paris metro line extension to stadiums in Cameroon. Offering consultancy, engineering and delivery services across sectors, the international group has set out its new strategic vision and ambitious growth plan for the next decade.

Its ageing corporate group site and extended web presence clearly no longer reflected what the business had achieved and where it was headed.

Egis turned to Tangent to help consolidate 20+ country websites and spin-off thematic sites that had been developed throughout the years. This sprawling estate not only became more unmanageable, but fragmented the user experience and prevented the business from showcasing one aligned vision of themselves. These legacy sites were also built on technology that was imminently going to be retired, so they needed to act fast to not compromise their digital presence.

Our mandate was to reimagine the digital experience of their entire web ecosystem, provide them with a scalable, resilient and flexible solution to compete for the best engineering projects and attract the best talent to join their 16,000 people workforce.

Egis Website

Project Made For

Egis Website

French engineering group Egis and it's ageing corporate group site no longer reflected what the business had achieved and where it was headed. We Read More
