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Guest Satisfaction Survey System Web Application

Guest Satisfaction Survey System Web Application
In today’s modern, competitive, fast-paced and global economy, a company has to consider its customers more than ever. In order to be successful in the market it is not sufficient to simply attract new customers. Organizations must concentrate on retaining existing customers, implementing effective customer satisfaction and loyalty policies. The ‘Guest Satisfaction Survey System’ developed by ALEA helps the hospitality industry focus on customer satisfaction, which improves customer loyalty, thus projecting a positive image. The system shows the satisfaction rate and the overall problem resolution statistics based on various sections and departments.
Our Approach

The client asked for an innovative value-added application to bring together hotels in different locations so that their performance can be compared based on individual sections or departments in terms of guest satisfaction.

The following basic requests were provided to ALEA:

A ‘Satisfaction Rate’ to measure overall guest satisfaction.

A dynamic survey, which can be guest specific or generic, which helps focus on getting
personalized reviews based on the guest’s own experience.

A detailed guest report based on each individual department.

The capture of demographic data.

Complete ‘Problem Resolution’ statistics.

Advance reporting based on age, demographic, satisfaction rate, membership etc.

We made sure we completely understood the requirements of the client and researched the competition in terms of loyalty and reputation management. Through this research ALEA came up with a very robust and intuitive solution which not only impressed the client, but is also very clean and clear with vast detailing involved which also helped ALEA with moving forward successfully and achieving a high-end solution.
The Challenges

With all the details, added complexity and increased demand, there’s now more pressure to deliver a better customer experience. The client wanted to develop a system which can give a better understanding of their customers’ experiences to make it better and more personalized. Advance response reporting was needed where the clients can extract the data based on YTD/MTD, 6 months, 2 months, custom date range etc. which should then also be exportable in pdf/excel with proper formatting.

The Solution
As the project was large and complex, we defined proper milestones based on the modules. We worked on the prototype and with continued client discussion we drafted the prototype covering the pre-and post-conditions. All the development work was done on a live demo server which was being shared with the client for approval. Once approved we deployed the work on to a live server.

easy to update even for users with basic computer technology skills.

simple search engine optimization tools that help them improve their online search results quickly and easily.

Great and simple checkout process with complete details and have the option to enable/disable the payment gateway from admin.


The project has progressed well and is still ongoing with more customization and updated modules. We are now the maintenance partner for the website as well.
Guest Satisfaction Survey System Web Application


Guest Satisfaction Survey System Web Application

