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Little Explorers l Bachelor Work

Did this for my final year project. 
Children in kindergarten stage are full of curiousity and they learn things very fast. However, their curiousity may be a lilttle disadvantage during lessons in classes.  Majority of the children in classes cannot concentrate if the lessons are very long. This might affect their learnings. 
I decided to redesign  first grade kindergarten children science activity book for classroom use. Titlle of the book as Little Explorers. 
Adventurous, story-based science workbook with fun "games" (science activity) that matches the story. Children love to read stories with colourful illustrations and love to play games. With the combination of story and activity / games will be extra engaging for children to learn while enjoying.  The story is about two little explorer founda treasure map and they went on an adventure to find the treasure. 
1. A workbook which contains story and activities along the story. Children have to accomplish the activities in the book to get real treasure fro their teacher. Part of the activities includes colouring, collecting stickers, drawing and puzzle cards. This is another way to get the children to learn science in a fun way. 
            The workbook is sealed with a thread to secure the content and children can practice to tie the book properly so they can tie their own shoes.
2. This workbook includes a record card for teacher's use; a treasure map for children to colour when they accomplished a section; and bookmarks.
Little Explorers l Bachelor Work

Little Explorers l Bachelor Work

Workbooks for children are not attractive because they are all in black and white and less engaging. Children love to see colours, read story and Läs mer
