MYA OFFICE - Environmental Design

MYA OFFICE - Environmental Design

Promoted by Veerappa Moily, ex chief Minister Karnataka, Moksha Yug Access (MYA) is a dairy supply chain company built on Gandhian principles of equitable value creation. Their B2B business involved procuring fresh milk from dairy farmers & into corporates – minus the intervention of any middlemen. Thereby ensuring that farmers got the best value for their produce.

Milk Route wanted to redesign the new office space, ensuring that their philosophy and beliefs should be reflected all across.

Design Thought:
The MYA office had to reflect the same Gandhian philosophy the founders believed in - of giving back to ones society. A graphic depiction of the various processes involved in the milk supply chain was brought alive. These were teamed with powerful quotes by Gandhi to showcase the company’s beliefs.

MYA OFFICE - Environmental Design

MYA OFFICE - Environmental Design
