Roxana Cristea 的个人资料

AQUA Scanner app by AQUA Carpatica

Gold Fibra in Mobile Apps category
Silver Fibra in Shopper Experience category
Silver Fibra in Best Use of Technology category
Gold Effie in the Non Alcoholic Beverages category
Gold Effie in the Brand Experience category
Silver @Internetics in the Mobile Apps category
Aqua Carpatica was a big player in the bottled water category, with a strong differentiator: the water with the lowest concentration of Nitrates – unhealthy substances coming from intensive farming. When the concentration of Nitrates in water is big, this can cause severe problems, especially for infants: intoxications (”Blue Baby Syndrome”) and even deaths.
Pediatricians recommend a Nitrates concentration of maximum 10 mg/l for the infants’ consumption, but the Romanian law allows brands to have 50 mg/l and it also doesn’t compel them to disclose it on the label – people were kept in the dark. This is how on the supermarket shelves there are waters with as much as 5 times the maximum Nitrates level allowed, without anybody being aware of it.
Aqua Carpatica wanted to draw attention on the water purity & safety and to empower Romanians to be confident about the water they and their children drink every day.

After enabling consumers to test their own water in a previous campaign – wells, springs & tap water – we created an app that scans and compares the nitrate levels on the labels of the bottled waters on the market.

over 150.000 Downloads, most successful marketing app in Romania at that time, with over 2000 scans happening each day 
33% increase in Aqua Carpatica sales
4mil people visited the Mineral Water Association Website to research nitrates
Aqua Carpatica became the no. #1 brand of bottled water in Romania in 2016

The online organic reach of the campaign totaled in: 80 organic mentions and 1.3M total unpaid viewership. But our campaign became a national discussed subject when The Romanian Waters Association felt pressured to drive an education campaign about water safety and purity, right after the launch of Aqua Scanner.
AQUA Scanner app by AQUA Carpatica

AQUA Scanner app by AQUA Carpatica

