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How organic milk is different from traditional milk?

How organic milk is different from traditional milk?

Once you have made up your mind to consume dairy regardless of whether it is just milk or other products such as cheese, yoghurt, or kefir, the very next question that pops up in your mind is whether you should buy organic milk Gurgaon or not. To most people, the term “organic” does sound like a good choice and they are not wrong. The nutrients might be the same, no matter whether the milk is organic or not. However, where the former differs is the assurance of no hormone add-ons, and it is almost always antibiotic-free.

All milk has hormones that are produced naturally by the cow. The term to seek is “added. Organic milk is derived from cows that haven’t received any additional hormones and have never been treated with antibiotics. If they get sick, they are taken away from the herd, and even after they recover after treatment, their milk is not incorporated.

Healthy alternative

At times, the term “organic” earns its health aura: There are studies that show organic cow’s milk really is healthier compared to conventional milk. Organic milk includes more heart-healthy fatty acids than traditional milk. There’s really no question about improving the milk’s fatty acid profile when you feed dairy cows more grass. This also helps in increasing the level of protein in the milk. Conversely, cows that are on a corn-based diet tend to produce milk that is higher in omega-6 fatty acids.

The major reason for buy organic milk Gurgaon to be considered as a healthier alternative has to do with its proportion of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. A diet that contains too many omega-6 fatty acids and not sufficient omega-3s has often been associated with cancer, heart disease, inflammation and autoimmune diseases. This is because the gut transforms omega-6s to arachidonic acid which can lead to inflammation. However, omega 3 has anti-inflammatory powers to help counterbalance this reaction, and this is why keeping the ratio low is significant. (2.3 to 1 omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is ideal for heart health). It is true that both omega 3s and omega 6s are vital. You need to have some of them. However, the adverse health effects start to kick in when these omega fatty acids tend to go out of balance.

If you are considering to buy organic milk Gurgaon is way out of your budget, you can still consume conventional milk, but you need to ensure that you opt for whole milk, instead of choosing 2 percent or skimmed milk. The heart-healthy fatty acids present in milk are part of the overall fat content of milk. This particular benefit will be decreased to 50 percent if you opt for 2 percent fat milk and around two-thirds when you opt for low-fat or skim dairy products. Even if you do not consume dairy, the bigger message for you here is to try and cut back on foods that are high in corn oil or soybean oil as both have high omega-6 to omega-3 ratios [chips or fried foods]. It is suggested that you switch to fat dairy products, if possible organic, and do it in tandem with cutting back on foodstuff that are high in omega 6s.

When you intend to buy organic milk Gurgaon, you will notice that the cost is often more than traditional milk in the majority of the stores. Certain people believe that it is worth paying more for health reasons alone. There are definitely some benefits to organic milk, however, whether they are enough for paying a premium is totally up to you.

Longer shelf life

One major benefit of organic milk over regular milk is the shelf life. The majority of organic milk brands sterilize their milk at high temperatures (around 280 F) so that it can be used for nearly 2 months. Since regular pasteurized milk is heated to 165 F or lower, it does not possess the same long shelf life. Conversely, high-temperature sterilization might turn the milk to have a sweet taste. This is either a minus or a plus depending on your preferences.

If you are anxious about milk getting decayed in the refrigerator, you can opt for organic milk as it can save you some money since it will last much longer. Then again, you can purchase non-organic milk that has been sterilized at very high temperatures as well.

Additional nutrition

Whilst ultra-high-temperature processing can often have a bad impact on certain nutrients, researchers have found out that organic milk does possess a high level of omega-3 fatty acid that can often be found in several foods. Studies demonstrate that Omega-3 can help reduce cardiovascular disease, enhance neurological development and function, and reinforce immune function.

Feel good about additives

Two products, rBGH [recombinant bovine growth hormone] also called BGH, rBST [recombinant bovine somatotropin] and antibiotics, are found in traditional milk but are not present in organic milk. Organic milk is obtained from cows that were never given these drugs. This means that organic milk is assured to be free of any residue.
Conversely, neither antibiotics nor growth hormones are as popular as they used to be (mostly since consumers complained), thus several regular dairies are trying to avoid these drugs.

 Most regular milk packaging includes claims on the sticker that states the milk doesn’t include antibiotics or growth hormones. Additionally, regular milk is tested to be certain there is little or no drug residue in milk products sent to the market.
If you have any apprehensions about residue from drug use, it definitely makes sense to buy organic milk Gurgaon. Then again, you can do some research into the dairies selling regular milk products in the area. If you happen to find that they do not utilize any drugs, you might be able to save some money.

There's very little argument that dairy practices and organic farming are better for the surroundings, if only due to their reduced use of antibiotics, pesticides, hormones, and several other synthetic chemical compounds. When these advantages and the longer shelf life are taken into account, it is quite easy to why organic milk is considered a good buy.
How organic milk is different from traditional milk?
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How organic milk is different from traditional milk?

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