Perfil de Lisa D'Antimo

"Raclette" cheese melter

R A C L E T T E   C H E E S E   M E L T E R   🧀
The client wanted to give a modern but still authentic look to the raclette cheese melter his grandfather had prototyped years ago in Haute-Savoie.

He also had spotted several pain points on raclette melting machines he could find on the market and wanted to try improve those ones.
Step #1 - Research of generic and existing technical solutions regarding the main and secondary functions.
During this first step, I proposed to diverge without any limitation in order to get as many ideas and creative solutions as possible.
Step #2 - Time to converge now: creative and technical researches for each specific aspect of the product I aim to design.
Step #3: Building 4 different overall concepts with very different styles based on our favorite and most relevant features.
Step #4 - Final sketch of Gautier's favorite concept.
"Raclette" cheese melter


"Raclette" cheese melter



Sectores creativos