The real question is why is he painting in the dark? Yeah it’s suppose to be a funny but not really funny comic. 
I’ve been working on this one on and off. An idea that popped up when I was hanging out with friends. It was just going to be a sketch, but I decided to take it further. I’m starting to get into the swing of decent looking comics. 

Well this image popped in my head not too long ago. I imagine the raw power of magic that is unleashed at its maximum. Percilla, of course, has no problem releasing it all. Most often done out of rage. Though it has a huge impacted on her body. She usually needs to rest afterwards for one to three days. However she’s too ballsy for rest. Percilla, your bones are going to turn into powder… 
Obviously stolen-Percilla finds a few aircrafts and finds them to be good use for their plans to attack the concentration camps. In fact in this scene they use these particular aircrafts to hijack a train that was transferring their victims to the next concentration camp.With the advantage of flight and explosives, they were able to cease the train, and prevent others to travel.
Well I came up with a small image of percilla welding old aircrafts. Obviously stolen-Percilla found the aircrafts to be good use for their plans to attack the concentration camps. In fact they used these particular aircrafts to hijack a train that was transferring their victims to the next concentration camp.With the advantage of flight and explosives, they were able to cease the train, and prevent others to travel. 

In this scene Percilla's working on the aircrafts and Saburith walks in. Not much was said, but they both recognized the unstable situation that was yet to come.
Well I've been thinking about Lizzy and how she would defend herself from danger. After all everyone is required to fight when part of the Demon Pirates. But wouldn't fighting in a dress be really difficult? Of course yes! Lizzy tends to trip and fall, and even worry about the conditions of her dress. Eventually Percilla was fed up and commanded her to change her clothes to something more appropriate for fighting. 
So Percilla in her spare time tries to strategize her actions to save her people from extinction. Indeed a vexing process.

This is percilla's room. Not much to it really, but it has some of her needs like a place to sleep and a quiet area to work out. Saburith's room is the same, but no punching bag.
Demon Pirates

Demon Pirates

A personal project I've been working on since 2008.
