Abode of indifference. Masks of sociopathy.

     This is a story about Heredity. Fears are a genetic code that is passed from a child to an adult as a way of life, from parent to kids. Fear can be comfortable and hypnotic, but in reality it is an abode of indifference, generating childhood nightmares and raising monsters in the guise of common people or successful sociopaths and “superheroes”.

     Thinking of the deepest fears, I remember the lines of Bruno Jasienski (1937): "Do not be afraid of your enemies. The worst they can do is kill you. Do not be afraid of your friends. The worst they can do is betray you. Be afraid of the indifferent. They do not kill or betray, but because of their silent consent betrayal and murder exist on earth”.

     In times of peace, indifference finds other incarnations, sometimes less noticeable to the human eye, yet invariably carrying destruction and cruelty. With these works, I would like to draw attention to the vicious circle of indifference within the family as a virus, which it looks like, but unlike well-known hereditary diseases, can be cured if detected early. 

First image - “Childhood” 
Second image - “Adulthood”

Aisha G​​​​​​​i

Thank you for watching!
Fear Is Art

Fear Is Art


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