My short video is about people who are being cyber bullied. There is no dialogue in the short video. It uses actions to state. The name of my character is yohohohoo. My character is a positive person, a hard-working student. I have a different face from other people, so I often get cyber bullying. I went to class online as usual. My online friend sent me some uncomfortable messages because I posted a story about my high scores and championships on Instagram. Yohohohoo kept smiling and tried to ignore her, but she still continued to attack me with words, even setting up a “fan account’’ to cyberbully me together. I can’t stand the long-term cyberbullying and commit suicide by cutting my wrists with a knife. After being rescued, I received a message that my good friend refused to 
continue to be friends with me. In the end, I took sleeping pills and committed suicide. A person with a scary mask appeared on the screen.


