Perfil de Eric Bourdon

Harmonic pictorial variations... Acrylic painting


Harmonic pictorial variations between stasis and flows constituting the aesthetic moment by means of small dissensual but no less structuring perceptual leaps in a freakishly unusual post-contemporary perspective.
(Full title)

Acrylic painting on paper by Eric Bourdon - Artwork size : 7.87 x 7.87" / 20 x 20 cm


Variations picturales harmoniques entre stases et flux constitutifs du moment esthétique au moyen de petits bonds perceptifs dissensuels mais non moins structurants dans une perspective post-contemporaine bigrement insolite.
(Titre complet)

Peinture acrylique sur papier par Eric Bourdon - Dimensions : 20 x 20 cm

Harmonic pictorial variations... Acrylic painting

Harmonic pictorial variations... Acrylic painting
