An exploration into future learning environments
Jot re-imagines how students and teachers can interact with each other and digital content in future learning environments. It enables access to digital learning materials on many surfaces at school with the Jot pen. The concept focuses on both physical and digital collaboration.
The Concept
Jot is an intelligent pen that connects the student to a world of interactive learning materials and tools accessed through various surfaces in the school - such as desks, walls and tables.

Through the Jot pen, the student can view and engage with his/her books, notes and media on any enabled surface. This approach allows students to benifit from the advantages of digital content, without limiting interactions to a PC or a Tablet.
Take a look at this short video explaining how the Jot pen is used in various scenarios at school
The Prototype
Live demonstration of the prototype
A detailed report (Best viewed here)
This project is a team effort by Krupali Raiyani, Charles Law and Edward Yen.
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Jot re-imagines how students and teachers can interact with each other and digital content in future learning environments. Work by Krupali Rai Ver mais

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