Henkilön Ayesha Thangay profiili

Selfish Adam Learns a Lesson | Book Dash

This storybook was inspired by the Book Dash incentive. Book Dash is an initiative that gathers creatives to develop new African storybooks that anyone can freely print, translate and distribute.

This brief required me to write, illustrate, design and publish an 8-12 page book for ages 3-6. The story was developed by a childhood proverbial phrase. Proverbial phrases are a type of common sayings that are similar to proverbs or fables.

The proverb I have written on is: Sharing is caring. 
Sharing is caring is a common phrase that is used and said to us during our childhood. The phrase 'sharing is caring' means that when we give something to someone, it is equal to caring him. Sharing is caring, simply means to look after others.

The story revolves around a selfish boy named Adam, who does not like to share, especially with his sister Jane. When his parents decide to take away his toys, he has a change of heart.

Selfish Adam Learns a Lesson | Book Dash


Selfish Adam Learns a Lesson | Book Dash
