Amber Robertson's profile

Social Issue Ads and tabloid Brochure

Social Issue Ads
1. Social Issue 1 - Designing Emotion

Before this project, we had learned about using the rules of design: Margin, Sizing, Space, Color, etc. For this project we wanted to work on evoking a feeling with our design. We had to design a poster (12x18) for a social issue. We had to first choose a social issue, and then had to find a foundation that supports the social issue and use them as the logo or sponsor for the poster.

Social issue: Texting While Driving
Photos I Used:
2. Social Issue 2

For the second social issue project, we had the same guidelines as social issue 1. However, we had to draw the social issue out of a hat, so we did not get to choose the issue ourselves this time.

Social issue: Mental health
Photos I Used:
3. Social Issue II Tabloid Brochure

For this project we had to take our Social Issue II ad from the previous assignment (Social Issue II) and design a tabloid brochure for the ad. The purpose for the brochure was to make a difference, increase awareness, help people understand, and you'll make the world a better place. We were to use Adobe InDesign and save the brochure as a PDF for print once it was completed.
Photos I Used:
thank you :)
Social Issue Ads and tabloid Brochure

Social Issue Ads and tabloid Brochure
