Profiel van Adam Widdowson

Hunt: Showdown Cosplay Props

Hunt: Showdown - Cosplay Props

Think Zombie Apocalypse videogame, but set in the wild west. That's Hunt:Showdown.  
Set in the late 1800s, it has perhaps the most interesting selection of tools and weapons of any videogame.

I wanted to capture that interesting element of the game and bring it into real-life, using my access to industrial grade 3D printers and CAD software.

I used a combination of SolidWorks and Blender to copy images taken from the game and create the models shown below.

My work was shared by Crytek; the creators of the game.
Below is a collection of screenshots and official game-art to show what my designs are based on.
Below are some screenshots from my SolidWorks model of the 'Quad Derringer Pistol'.

With the 'Quad Derringer Pistol' surface modeling in SolidWorks was heavily used.  I imported screenshots from the game to use as a direct guide.  My research suggested that the developers based this design on the 'Sharp's Bulldog' pistol, so I scaled my CAD such that the diameter of the barrel could fit 8mm bullets as that pistol did in real-life.
Below are some screenshots from the CAD used to create the 'Poison Bomb'

The main challenge with this model for me was replicating the wooden handle.  In the game it is designed to look like a stick of wood has been attached to an existing device to be used as a makeshift handle for throwing.
To replicate this I first created a model in SolidWorks with some deep cracks in the CAD, and then imported it into Blender to add more creases.
Finally here are two links to where you can download the STL files and make these items yourself!
Poison Bomb:
Quad Derringer:

Also my project got posted by Crytek, the creators of the game, to their official website:

Hunt: Showdown Cosplay Props


Hunt: Showdown Cosplay Props


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