Sumber Foods® /// Nutrition Planet

S U M B E R  F O O D S ®


Sumber® is a whole planet of nutrition, Created in Guadalajara, Jalisco. A brand of healthy, nutritious and energetic products grouped under three categories: superfoods; snacks, and seeds, fruits and grains. We created a new planet where each element: powder, plants, fruits and stones, have the energy to nourish us. The categories turned into cosmic dust, space rocks and small suns that grow in galactic fields and gardens.

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We created the name based on the stone of the sun: amber, a solidified vegetable resin capable of being charged with energy –which is why the Greeks, in ancient times, named it elektron, because of its ability to store and transport energy–. We took the words sun and amber to create Sumber®. 

Every bit of Sumber’s planet is full with energy that goes everywhere with us, ready when we need it most.

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Sumber's graphic identity is integrated by the logo, letters made from scratch that reflect the modernity, experience and diversity of the brand; while the symbol is represented by a leaf formed by lines to recreate a field illuminated by the sunrise. The color palette integrates warm tones balanced with cold ones to bring life to the planet and its extraterrestrial elements.

For the auxiliary graphic we created that universe that we had narrated so much: alien plants made from geometric figures, cosmic rocks full of energy, and stellar particles that float free and create new planets. This graphic helped us to capture the planet on packaging, bags, cards and other communication tools.

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Sumber Foods® /// Nutrition Planet