Profil appartenant à Julie White

Repeated Pattern Project

Repeated Pattern Variations using Only Three Colors
For the pattern project, we were instructed to choose three colors and incorporate various shapes and movements into each singular rectangle or square, but it also had to be a repeating pattern, and one that can almost be moved around like puzzle pieces to create different full-scale combinations of designs. 
For this pattern design, I chose to use more angles and edges to play around with the rectangles and see how they fit with one another, and how adding black into the color pallet can allow for more dimension and contrast.
For this pattern, I wanted to play around more with mark making, and starting to incorporate rounder elements and pieces, and seeing how they flow and move when arranged in different orders next to one another. 
For this pattern, I stuck with strictly circular shapes with two colors dividing each circle in half. My main focus was to see how different colored halves of circles can compliment and contract one another, and how the relation between the halves being apart of a whole would affect the overall outlook after combining them into a repetitive pattern. 
Repeated Pattern Project
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Repeated Pattern Project

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