Listener Guide
"God's Cemetery" is officially out on all platforms!​​​​​​​
"It Is Time" Track #1 (of 22) is the opening track that is a crossover from Exodus to a new release. It is time to get introduced to a new story.
This song is created a few years back but it missed the theme, it was on my hard drive for a long time until one night I tried layering the sound of a siren which represent the ending of airstrike through the entire track and it fits perfectly, symbolically I added siren on a day which marked 20 years of the last airstrike on my country which happened 1999. Now since sound is oscillating air I attached one more symbolism to it as it represents the ending of migration to a new chapter which I started with my previous album "Exodus"

"Reinventing Justice" Track 2 (of 22) 
Right after we got introduced to a new release itself its time to get face melted!

"Hell's March" Track 3 (of 22)
Onward with face-melting! The third track continues where the previous track left you with a new vibe.

"Dies Irae" Track 4 (of 22)
Like previous tracks keeps up the pace and deliver new vibes to be head-banged to.

"Storm" Track 5 (of 22)
Is one more aggressive track right from the start of the Album with an analog synth and experiment atmospheric vibe.

"Enigma" Track 6 (of 22)
With the previous track, we tackled the experiment atmospheric vibe and now it's time to embrace it, entire album is created of segments, and "Enigma" marks the new one.

"Phanuel" Track 7 (of 22)
Now that we already changed the course and dived into a new segment we explore more atmospheric sounds.

"Hell" Track 8 (of 22)
It was always experimenting and blending different emotions and vibes that drove me and what got me into creating art in the first place, "Hell" is one of those songs which tells a different story every time you listen to it closed eyes, it's one of those pieces which trigger mind shuffle and draft you from reality.

"Limbo Realm" Track 9 (of 22)
Closing this segment with one more atmospheric piece which calms the tempo and announces the next segment at the same time.
P.S. Do you know that I started Limbo Realm Software? and I already have some VST instruments in the closed beta testing stage. It will be released soon, many of them will be free for download

"Minos" Track 10 (of 22)
The third segment of release has the same purpose as the first one to melt your face!

"Violence" Track 11 (of 22)
Just as experiment with sounds and vibes I very often like to experiment with the aggressiveness and dark vibes and transcribe them into art.

"Fallen Dreams" Track 12 (of 22)
This track has been produced with the intention to be sent to a few labels which declined many of my ideas over the years but luckily for me, I gave up a long time ago on that idea to be accepted rather my intention is to express my feelings and capture timeless moments into a tunes which will evoke memories for me as a creator every time I listen to them and hopefully you as a listener will create your own

"Dust & Dirt" Track 13 (of 22)
While the third segment is hitting hard let's not forget that in the end we all gonna be just dust and dirt, enjoy small things now!

“Redemption” Track 14 (of 22)
The third segment is over its time to draft away again and rethink ourselves, now that we are on a rollercoaster of emotions it is time to ask ourselves what is the most memorable thing we think of when we think of particular emotion, do we have some unfinished business in our heads?

"Seraphim" Track 15 (of 22)
The fourth segment already started before we noticed it. There is something disturbingly beautiful, something adorably scary when two opposite emotions blend into something unexpectedly different

"Lost" Track 16 (of 22)
What does the word "Lost" mean to you? for me it best describe swimming through the endless mind space, letting the consciousness ride on a train which is led by subconsciousness, opportunity to touch subconsciousness by letting it drive you to uncertain where you can, while on a ride, analyse where it drove you, why and what was the trigger for that particular journey.

"Guardian" Track 17 (of 22)
Closing fourth segment with one more experimental atmospheric track which wakes us up from the meditative state, guardian is here to find you when you get lost and to give you time to see what you bring with you from your last trip.

"Charon" Track 18 (of 22)
After more than 1 hour of the journey the last segment of "God's Cemetery" is here. While starting gently this track brings aggressiveness and twist expectations once again

"Anomaly" Track 19 (of 22)
It is expected to continue with the aggressive segment but the last one is different

"Incoming Transmission" Track 20 (of 22)
As we approach ending of this journey we can already feel the impact it made, this entire segment is dedicated to resetting emotions and calibrate our inner self. But what is incoming?

"Unknown Signal" Track 21 (of 22)
An unknown signal arrived, an entirely new dimension is yet to be explored but let's leave something for the next release.

"Dead Space" Track 22 (of 22)
Closing this album with the final experimental atmospheric sound for this release. For me, this was a unique journey both creating and listening to this release, every time it evokes similar emotions with different thoughts of it. This is my favorite release so far! If I had to choose one release out of many I had over the years up until this point it would be the "Sentai" Album which I released in 2016. but now if someone asks me to send him something I am most proud of it will be this album. Let's see what the future holds, let's prepare to analyze the unknown signals.
Adrenaline is pumping.

Here you can enjoy in entire album on one link

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God's Cemetery LP Guide
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God's Cemetery LP Guide

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