Josh McDowell sin profil

Thunder Road: Vendetta - Version 2

Restoration Games launched the first Kickstarter for Thunder Road: Vendetta and realized that it wasn't quite working in terms of getting the information that backers wanted to the forefront of the campaign. Because of this they decided to cancel and relaunch.

One of the feedback items was the video didn't demonstrate the game play as the original was more of a thematic trailer. So we went back to the storyboards and reworked the video. We salvaged some of the hand drawn animation, but then added a lot of 3D game play animation. I'm very happy with how both the original trailer and this turned out. Enjoy!

By this point I also had in-game graphics and designs that were closer to final, so I also re-rendered the animated GIFs in the campaign to reflect the new content. You can find those on the Kickstarter page here.

Thunder Road: Vendetta - Version 2

Thunder Road: Vendetta - Version 2
