Yulia Strois profil

Poster design project — Tochka Opory

Poster design for a non-profit organisation supporting the rights of LGBT minorities in Ukraine. 

The goal of the project was to convey to people the need to talk, discuss and debate the topic of supporting the LGBT community and the need to protect LGBT social guarantees and civil rights.
Silence means that you automatically stand on the side of the aggressor. On the other hand, open conversation and dialogue are crucial for progress and positive improvements in our society.

Simple linear illustrations with colour accents are designed to draw attention and help build a dialogue. A naive graphic language shows openness and simplicity of communication, friendliness and readiness for an open conversation.

Thanks for watching!

The project was created in February 2020.

Concept and design:
Yulia Stroi

Special thanks to curators:
Alexander Gusakov, Glib Kaporikov & Nonna Starushchenko.

This project was made as a part of the course on Graphic Design at Projector Creative & Tech Online Institute for Ukrainian NGO Fulcrum UA (НГО Точка Опори) media campaign.

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Poster design project — Tochka Opory


Poster design project — Tochka Opory
