Profil appartenant à Yumna Fatima

Alternate Reality - Old Spice

Alternate Reality: Old Spice 
Mock task briefs
Task Brief
Pick an international brand and reimagine that brand in a different reality or universe. Come up with an advertising problem for the brand, and design a complete creative brief for a campaign to solve the problem and develop three campaignable ads. The original idiosyncrasies of the brand could be retained. 

Selected brand
Old Spice 
Creative Brief
Role of Communications

Brand Background: 
- A range of traditional, easy to prepare, spice blends, made specifically considering men’s cooking nature & needs 
- Normalizing cooking for men across Pakistan - The brand, Old Spice, is newly-established and this is their first ad campaign 
- Several spice brands that are well-established in Pakistan offer a tough competition to Old Spice against emerging prominently in the market as an experimental brand

Problem to be Solved: 
- Due to the stereotype of cooking being associated with women only, it is challenging to target men as potential users of spice blends 
- Old Spice is advertising to invite men to try out cooking with its easy to prepare spice blends that are perfect for novice cooks

- Establish a new market for spice blends that comprises of men 
- Establish an image of Old Spice as a convenient brand for men as they are new to cooking, made to especially accommodate them 
- Convert potential users, currently using alternative spice brands, into consumers of Old Spice (secondary objective)

Target Audience 

Geographic: Pakistan 

Demographic: 20-30 years old | Male | Upper, Middle, Lower Middle Classes | Studying/Working stage of life | Living alone or with bachelors

Psychographics: Interested in trying out new activities | Like keeping up with the latest trends of the society | Food-lovers

Behavioral: Barely ever bought spice blends for own use | Have frequently taken part in social media campaigns/competitions carried out by food brands | Heavy users of social media

Consumer Insight 

I enjoyed cooking with my mom as a kid and would frequently be found in the kitchen. However, over the years - probably because of social norms - I found interest in other “manly” activities and so, never had a chance to actually learn how to cook. But now I find myself frequently eating instant noodles or take-out food and usually feel the need to eat a decent homemade meal. I would love if there was a way for me to cook home-style food for myself without ruining the dish or being ridiculed by my friends for doing a woman’s job.

Desired Response 

Remove the stigma that men who cook are feminine in nature.

Proposition - Big Idea

Cook like a man 


- Flavorful 
- Stop depending on women for good food 
- You can count on Old Spice for a pleasant first-time cooking experience

Reasons to Believe 

- Step-by-step video demonstrations of male chefs cooking various Pakistani dishes using Old Spice, available on the website 
- Social Media campaign involving new users’ personal experiences while cooking with Old Spice, the incentive being winning a gift hamper of multiple spice blends from Old Spice for narrating the best cooking story 
- Trending hashtag #CookLikeAMan - Use of Old Spice blends in famous cooking shows that are sent our PR packages, thereby proving its flavorful attribute

Brand Personality 

Perception: easy to prepare 

Values: beat the sexist stereotypes attached with cooking 

Personality: Targeting youth to bring about desired changes in the society as a whole

Tone of Voice 

Empowering | Straightforward | Provoking

Media Options 

Social Media: Facebook | Instagram

Executional Considerations 

- Style: exaggerated masculinity associated with cooking 
- Hashtag: #CookLikeAMan 
- Logo present in every ad
Logo Design 

- Combination Mark
   Pictorial Mark: shaped like our product (spice)
   Word Mark: Full name of our brand 
- Newly established brand with little to no existing familiarity, therefore using both to be easily identifiable

Color Scheme 

- Red 
  Boldness: Instilled in men for taking charge of their own cooking needs 
   Youthful: Targeting youth 
- Green 
   Health: Improves as men switch to homemade food 
   Growth: Men stepping out of their comfort zone to try a new activity that they do not have much experience in 
- Pure colors transitioning into their darker shades 
- Medium Contrast 
- Complimentary Colors


Geometric: signifying stability in the lives of Old Spice users as they stop depending on anyone for cooking their food - Triangles Power – breaking through the stigma of cooking being a feminine activity Strength – men cooking for themselves without their masculinity being compromised Purpose – men becoming independent in taking care of their own cooking needs


- Typeface: Sans Serif 
- Tracking: Custom 
   Constant throughout Old and Spice respectively 
    More between the two words
Campaignable Ads
Alternate Reality - Old Spice
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Alternate Reality - Old Spice

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