Wall Golden Logo Mockup

A wood sign with a golden logo full mockup. 

The Wall Golden Logo Mockup is designed to make it easy to showcase your logo, artwork, photos or designs in a realistic wall setting.

Create logo mockups in gold on a clear glass wall. You can place your design on the base of the wall or at any other position to see how it would look when placed on the wall of a building. All you have to do is double-click the smart object layer and paste your design and save it. Your design will automatically be placed within the mockup.

The mockup with a realistic touch is the perfect way to showcase your logo and branding projects. Smart objects let you easily place your design on the emblem and save.

This Mockup is a very elegant and unique, it simply gives you the ability to make any design look really good.

Please appreciate, if you like it :)
Wall Golden Logo Mockup