Profil von Hui Wen Cheng

草本 Plant book|校園常見植物觀察誌|刊物設計 Book Design

 | 草 本 | 
校 園 常 見 植 物 觀 察 誌

Year: 2021
Graphic design  |  Layout  |  illustration design  |  photography


 | 草 本 | design concept
Visual arrangement and the integration of real flower and plant samples to present a super-illustrated guide to the common campus plants.


Thanks for watching!

Type: Graphic design  |  Layout  |  illustration design  |  photography
Year: 2021
鄭慧雯 Hui Wen Cheng
Designer: 鄭慧雯 Hui Wen Cheng  (@libomipper)
      魏歆庭 Xin Ting Wei

草本 Plant book|校園常見植物觀察誌|刊物設計 Book Design

草本 Plant book|校園常見植物觀察誌|刊物設計 Book Design
