Perfil de Niki Palinkas

Mirror installation

Mirror installation
Installation with mylar foil, lights and sound
/experiment - school work, MOME MA /

My project is about to show the mirror image, a kind of a mirror image,what couldn't be seen in general conditions. Everything is a mirror, and we all are mirrors. If we listen to a voice, or music, we can't see it, we feel it. But what if we could see the little sound waves moving around us?

This work shows the mirror image of the sound with a mirror installation. ( for mirror here I used mylar foil) Under the mirror there is a hidden sourse, what produces little vibration on the mylar's surface. Overlaid with light the little waves appearing on the wall, creating a transformation from a source there becomes a picture, the mirror picture of the sound.
Mirror installation

Mirror installation

make the sound visible
