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Narcolepsy: Can it be treated by Modafinil 200 mg?

Narcolepsy: Can it be treated by Modafinil 200 mg?
Being active is important nowadays as it can make affect our performance on what we do. We should always try to be active and alert so that we can work better. But there are various issues we have to deal with which can reduce our active energy. The issue of excessive sleep disorders is one of those issues which can reduce our active energy. Most of the time, patients with an excessive sleep disorder have to face a lack of sleep at night, and then they have to be sleepy during the working hours of the day. Narcolepsy is one of those excessive sleep disorders.
Narcolepsy is considered a chronic sleep disorder that can make overwhelming drowsiness. Narcolepsy can make us face the sudden attack of sleep. Stimulants, antidepressants can help in treating narcolepsy symptoms. Here we will discuss Modafinil as a solution to Narcolepsy issues.
How does a person get narcolepsy?
We all know that narcolepsy is a sleep disorder. Most of the time it can be caused by a lack of a brain chemical that is known as hypocretin (orexin). Hypocretin is responsible for regulating our sleep. This deficiency can be the result of the immune system mistakenly attacking those parts of the brain that produce hypocretin.
What are the 5 signs of narcolepsy?
The signs and symptoms of narcolepsy are indicated by the acronym CHESS. Those symptoms are as follows;
Excessive sleepiness is a common and most visible symptom of narcolepsy. Narcolepsy can make one fall asleep suddenly without any warning. It also can reduce alertness and focus while working.
Sudden loss of muscle tone which is known as cataplexy is another symptom of Narcolepsy which can cause various types of physical changes including mumbling, weakness in muscles that lasts for a few minutes. Cataplexy cannot be controlled and it is triggered by intense emotions like fear, laughter, etc.
Another narcolepsy symptom is sleep paralysis which is a temporary inability to move or speak while sleeping or upon waking up. Though it is a short-term episode, it is frightening. Sleep paralysis is not a common symptom of narcolepsy.
REM stands for rapid eye movement. People with narcolepsy have to face REM sleep at any time of the day. Narcolepsy patients often transition immediately to REM sleep, mostly within 15 minutes of falling asleep.
Narcolepsy patients can also have to face hallucination which is known as a hypnagogic hallucination which occurs while sleeping and hypnopompic hallucination which occurs while walking. Because of hallucinations, you may not able to get enough sleep as you began dreaming during sleep and experience those as reality.
What can narcolepsy be mistaken for?
The patients with narcolepsy are often misdiagnosed with some other issues which are as follows;
Obstructive sleep apnea
Learning difficulties
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Other psychological/psychiatric disorder
Can narcolepsy be cured?
There is no specific solution to cure the issue of narcolepsy. But the symptoms can be treated and thus the impact of this problem can be minimized. Changing a little sleeping habit can help in minimizing narcolepsy symptoms. If you feel that your condition is severe, you should take the help of a doctor. Taking stimulants like Modafinil also can help in treating Narcolepsy symptoms.
What happens if narcolepsy goes untreated?
If narcolepsy is left untreated, it can make one socially disabled and isolated. It also can lead you to suffer from the onset of depression. People with Narcolepsy also have to suffer from type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Modafinil for Narcolepsy
Modafinil is an effective stimulant that belongs to the class of smart drugs. This medicine is known for enhancing wakefulness in us. So it can help patients with Narcolepsy. Modafinil cannot cure your Narcolepsy, yet it can help you to stay awake and active even with this problem. To make an effect, Modafinil involves in altering dopamine and norepinephrine levels. Thus Modafinil helps us to stay active. As narcolepsy can reduce your ability to focus, Modafinil can help you by improving focus even when you are suffering from narcolepsy.  Modafinil is available in different brands which are Provigil, Modvigil, and Modalert.
What is the use of the Modafinil tablet?
Modafinil is a stimulant drug that enhances wakefulness in us. It can help patients with excessive sleep disorders like obstructive sleep disorder, shift work sleep disorder, and Narcolepsy by enhancing wakefulness. Modafinil can also work as a mood enhancer. As a mood enhancer, Modafinil can help patients with stress, depression, etc. You can also enhance your cognitive functions by taking the Modafinil dosage. Modafinil can boost our memory, concentration, focus, etc. 
Is Modafinil the same as Provigil?
Provigil is the first brand version of Modafinil. So we can say Modafinil is the same as Provigil. Provigil also can help patients with narcolepsy by treating their symptoms.
What does Modafinil do to your brain?
Modafinil enhances cognitive functions like memory, concentration, focus, etc. To make an effect, Modafinil stimulated the neurons in the brain and thus increases the number of dopamines that can keep us awake and active.
Can modafinil be taken daily?
Take Modafinil dosage under medical observation so that you can enjoy its effects without any problem. Modafinil is a medicine with a low potential for abuse. Modafinil dosage is recommended to take 200 mg every day in the morning. Don't take Modafinil near bedtime as it can make you stay wake up in the night.
This is all about Narcolepsy and Modafinil as its solution. To know more about Modafinil click here and Know more about Modafinil.

Narcolepsy: Can it be treated by Modafinil 200 mg?

Narcolepsy: Can it be treated by Modafinil 200 mg?


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