The question to make a billboard about myself send me down a spiral. I was questioning how do I see my self and how do people see me? Am I happy with who I am or am I just people pleasing? I started with looking at pictures from myself, but I didn’t recognize myself in many pictures. And that made me question on who was I? When I looked through my social media you see a completely different person that the person In my snapchat memories, but if you look at the pictures that my family makes of me that’s also a different me. So who am I, how do people see me? I started wondering if people only remembered me by my tattoos, makeup, clothing, my actions and thoughts or am I my DNA? Am I my parents, are my parents proud of the person that I am? Would 6 year old me be proud of me today? Am I happy and proud with who I am? This exercise was eye opening for me but also very confronting, but I really enjoyed making it. It made me realise how much aspects of me there are. Which isn’t a bad thing, everyone is different. And it’s our choice on how we present our self to other people, we get to choose on if we present our self as a good person or not. The aspect of who are you is huge, it’s a factor of various things. 
You can’t decide how people see you, you can only try to be your self and they will have to take it or leave it. You’re in charge. With my poster/billboard I want people to look at them self and think, think about if they are the best version of their self’s and if they are truly happy. And if not its time to change. You are not put on earth to please others if it doesn’t make you happy. You are here for a temporary time and its time to make the best out of it. Start focussing on making you happy. Besides make people think I wanted to show people on who I am, what people think I look like and what I don’t show people. I wanted people to know its normal. 
After reading all this and after seeing my work, I want you to think about the next time you introduce yourself to someone to think about who you are, don’t say the basic stuff. Be honest, be the real you, not the one everyone wants you to be. 
This assignment made me question a lot about me. And after thinking about how I want to present myself to the world, I stumbled on questions.
Am I my body, am I my soul, am I my DNA, am i my mind?
 Am I who I want to be or who people want me to be? 
How do people see me? 
Am I real or just a shell of someone I want to be? 
How do you know that you are the best version of yourself?
Do you know who you are?
Because of all these questions and thoughts i came to the conclusion: nobody really knows you. They know one version of you, the one you show them, they know you by looks and actions. And you can trick people in thinking that they know you, take as an example social media, are you going to show them that you’re crying? Or will you post the picture where you look the best version of yourself? 
All this sounds really deep but it isn’t you can show the world how you want people to know and remember you. It can all be an entire act. You basically design yourself and only with a few people you will show the “real” you.
With this billboard I’m going to show how I see myself, how other people see me and how i wish to be seen.


