Dad's Yashica
Analogue photos using my Dad's old Electro 35 camera.
My parent's pup, Rhubarb, lying in the sun. Summer 2021
I really struggle with perfectionism. Taking photos on film and not being able to check them over feels amazing. I also don't want to edit, crop or rotate these; they come as they are. Locations: Grindelwald, Switzerland; Barbican, London.
Feb-March 2022.
Mt. Snowdon in the mist. Tough, dramatic and damp. Climbing Snowdon is an amazing experience and well worth it. Bring snacks. Summer 2021.
Around the house in 2021.
Guy's wedding. This photo was a very happy mistake from plenty of other under-exposed and blurry ones. Not unlike some memories from that night. (2021)
I hope you enjoyed the project.
Dad's Yashica

Dad's Yashica
