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Instagram for iPad

Instagram for iPad​​​​​​​
Tools: Figma, Microsoft PowerPoint
I think to this point, 9 out of 10 tablet users are yearning for a tablet version of Instagram, mostly not because they need one, but for the poor usability of the existing.
The 'ugh's
The extra screen estate of a tablet is a double-edge sword, leaving the stage for more content to shine and also adding the bulkiness to the holding experience. A great app made for a tablet should be curing the hassles of our interactions while giving us the joy of 'I can see more', 'I can do it all'. And Instagram did not happen to be one.
The 'let's do this'
So, I was sipping my coffee, sleeping on my deadlines at work to recreate this splinter in the butt. The longer I work on it, the more I long for Instagram to actually invest their effort.
This redesign focuses on making full use of the large screen, the ability to do two things at once, the intuition of sharing and a huge middle finger to Instagram (come on guys!).
Home and Direct
Home is the heart of Instagram, yet Direct is where we have somewhat more intimate conversations with whoever we care the most. We share the most dazzling artworks, eye-watering shots, or the darkest memes with them, so why not make Direct to... as intuitive as it can be.
Direct stays floating even when you're browsing through profiles. So let's say some cool ass artist got your jaws dropped with their spectacular artworks, you can simply pinch-and-drop them right on your friends. What could be better than enjoying the best with your loved ones.
Now, your thumb can rest at exactly where it wants and needs to. The new Story takes the advantage of the large screen to give you every thing you need, right at your palm.
Having to rotate vertically to capture exciting moments is so 2010s.
And, it gets even better when you are making reels. Recorded snippets are lined aside your viewport as you can quickly review them without switching screens. What does it feel like? Pro!
These are the most painful points from all those years with Instagram. After finishing the redesign, I felt so much better, as if the splinter has got pulled out. This is all I could ever dream from a tablet version of Instagram, and I hope we will get it someday. (Instagram, you can talk to me if you like this concept 😇).

In the end...
After this amazing experience, I have learnt that we can always make products by listening to our own needs, and to others'. Being pickier than others does not equal to being mean. There is always room for improvements, and it all starts with exploration. Take the courage to do things differently, learn from the mistakes, and start crafting.
Thank you for your time. Hope I can have your Appreciate and feedbacks. And maybe, you can tell me which app you would love to get a redesign.
@na.dee.daa • for illustrations
Cartoon Hands by Lionel Taurus • for hand illustrations
INSTAGRAM 2022 REDESIGN PROJECT by Manish Poojari • for Instagram assets
Nikuu 3d Illustration Pack by Paperpillar • for 3D character
Early morning bedroom by Hanvin • for the story background
Shout out to Na, she is one of the best artists and illustrators out there. I love the divergence in her art and purely how talented she is. You can follow her Instagram on @na.dee.daa.
Follow me on Instagram at
(that's 11 h FYI).
Instagram for iPad


Instagram for iPad
