Voxel Hanamura
Voxel Hanamura is a personal project where I wanted to recreate Hanamura map from Overwatch with Voxels in Houdini.
The first step was to gather a lot of references, being a player myself I just jumped into a Custom Game with Hanamura map and took a lot of screens.

I started with the central Pagoda and took me a couple of days to figure out a good procedural workflow. Atthe moment the voxel size is 0.02 units.

Then I started to work on the cherry trees with some basic L-Systems and copy instances.
After that I went back to tweak some things and ended up reworking the whole pagoda cause I wasn't convinced by some proportions and shapes; I ended up making two Hda, one to generate the various brick pattern I need and another to Voxelize an input geometry. I also made the Rocks using some noises with Vop nodes and the flooring around the Pagoda.

I went on with the courtyard flooring and I started to realize the "heaviness" of the scene, so I decided to increase the Voxel Size to 0.03. I also established some boundaries and modifications to the map to close the central section.
I moved on to the other buildings; it was a lot of reusing pieces of other chains and my two Hdas. I didn't want to use the same roof style of the pagoda so I made a different one.
For the boundaries of the scene I had to change something from the reference since making also the big building on the last part of the map was too much and I also needed to close the "entrance", so I built a wall module, some fences, a big wall for the other side and one column to make the last corner. I used the same roof style of the Pagoda.
As last thing, I modeled some minor props for the scene like the lanterns, the medkit unit, some arrow targets... For these objects I used standard modeling tecniques to go faster; the downside of a procedural modeling is the preparation time.
After that it was just a matter of optimize and fix things, adjusting the lights and putting all together
Being my first voxel project it involved a lot of testing and trial and error. Houdini handled the voxels amount pretty well once I lowered the size to 0.03. The Voxelize Hda I created for this project worked pretty good but I added a "hollow" option which didn't work automatically every time and it was pretty important for optimizing the scene.
The whole scene ended up being about 5 millions voxels plus some regular polygons.
Overall I'm pretty happy about it, of course watching it now there're like 100 things I would have done differently XD
Hope you like it ^^
Final Renders
Voxel Hanamura
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Voxel Hanamura

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