Emma Whitlock 的個人檔案

Material Girl - Competitive Scholarship Porfolio

Cavities: A Composite Self Portrait, graphite, each approx. 5in x 8in
Transition, graphite, 36in x 48in
Untitled, graphite, acrylic, oil pastel, ink, 18in x 24in
Wisdom vs. Terror, hand stitched fabric, 1ft x 1ft x 1ft
Party Dress, styrofoam cups, adhesive, 3.5ft x 2 ft x 2ft
Genkgo, hand cut paper, work in progress 
Untitled, hand cut paper, 24in x 36in 
Eve 3000, found leaves (presenved), paper bags, tin, thread
Flora Mandala, found leaves (preseved in glycerin), thread (hand stitched), 4ft x 4ft
Restricted Space, House: found sticks, concrete. Dolls: needle felted wool. 1ft x1ft x 1ft 
Material Girl - Competitive Scholarship Porfolio

Material Girl - Competitive Scholarship Porfolio

This is a portfolio of work, from my first semester at MICA, for consideration for scholarships in the 2014- 2015 school year.

